
The ASEAN Dx Initiative is set to launch the first installment of the ASEAN Dx Preparedness Webinar Series discussing “Direct PCR as an Alternative Platform to Conventional PCR” this 28th May 2021, 9AM to 10:20AM.

NorMinCoHRD wins their third title as champions of the 3-Minute Pitch to Policymakers Competition through their representative, Dr. Gina Itchon from Xavier University with her pitch entitled, “The Web-GRID Project: Helping LGUs Make Better and Faster Decisions during Emergencies.”

Northern Mindanao’s research entitled “The Web-GRiD Project: Helping LGUs Make Better and Faster Decisions during Emergencies” bags first place on the 3-Minute Pitch (3MP) national competition on March 17, 2021.

DOST 10 through NorMinCoHRD conducted a virtual training on Basic Research Methods on March 1-5, 2021, to capacitate junior health researchers in the region.

In celebration of its 39th anniversary, the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) will hold a webinar on partnerships for health research and development on March 17, 2021 via Zoom and Facebook Livestreaming.

The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development and the Department of Health is inviting you to the Call for Proposals for 2022 AHEAD-HPSR research priorities