1 week left until the 3rd session of the National Health Research Forum for Action!
Don’t miss the webinars on “Ensuring Continuity of Health Service Delivery amidst Public Health Emergencies” on 6-7 October 2020 at 1-4PM. Register NOW via bit.ly/18th-nhrfa.
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) co-hosts the conduct of the Department of Health’s 18th National Health Research Forum for Action virtually. With the theme, “Realizing Universal Health Care Amidst the Pandemic,” this year’s forum will showcase global and local evidences, breakthrough findings, and developments in health policy and systems research (HPSR) geared towards Universal Health Care realization in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.
For the schedule of webinars, you may check the photo below: